If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it.

Monday, August 15, 2011



昨天,我跟爸爸妈妈一起把我的日常必需品都安置好在我的第二个家。这个10x12,将是我接下来2年半里的庇护所。房间本来显得有点凄惨,但是经过粉刷,挂上窗帘后,然后我们把东西都摆好后,整个氛围很不一样了。现在,那本来只有床垫的“床”已经铺上床单,tatami 和 棉被了,还有一个枕头和抱枕,房间看起来舒适无比。本来残旧的书橱,现在换成新的,而且还添了一个,一个是深褐色的,一个是干净的粉红色的,让我太喜欢了。挂上窗帘的窗口前,是摆放毛巾架的地方。那里还有一个蓝色的塑料盒子,里面都存放着食物和厨房用品。盒子旁边,是一个蓝色的水桶,里面放着我的梳洗用品。粉红色的书橱是爸爸妈妈买的,里面的4个柜,摆着一个电水煲,吹风筒和小小的饭煲,上面则摆着一面小小的镜子。那么褐色的书橱比较大,所以就放在书桌隔壁,以后会摆放许多我的医学书本吧。书橱旁的地上,放着一个小型的烫衣板和一个小小的蒸汽熨斗。书桌的另一端便是一个比较不好使的衣橱,虽然小,但是里面都挂满了我上学的衣服。那么床呢,便摆书桌前方。反正,整个房间看起来很舒服。感谢爸爸妈妈哦!

明天我就要独自搭火车去吉隆坡了。到了kl sentral,就转ktm,再转lrt,走10分钟就可以到IMU了。很是紧张,又有点雀跃。反正,百感交集。


Monday, August 1, 2011

Throbs from the glance

My heart was still hanging in the middle of the air when I reached home driving back from my drum lesson. I guess that was why I could drive so *smooth and so deftly on the road as if I were gliding on the road. Well I think it's because I've met some stranger who seemed so familiar to me. Probably I just recognized the wrong person. But that glance made my adrenaline shot and within that few milliseconds before I recovered from the trauma-like scenario, I could hardly breath. My hands seemed so powerless that I had to give several attempts to hold the pair of wooden drumsticks.

I couldn't help thinking of the reason.

Well, that person did invade my life but that happened almost more than half a decade ago. I was still but a young, naive, immature little lady who knew nothing about love. So when it approached me, and incessantly entered my little soul, I thought that was great not know what it was though. I accepted it, doubtless. But luckily I was very protective against almost everyone so I wasn't really hurt. At least, there left no scar in my heart. That is why I can't figure out why my heart still throbbed from that glance of harmless image. I can't be sure at all. But that reminded me of one very important thing in my life, that I must always think thrice before making any decisions and be prepared for the worst at all times.

That memory wasn't that bad at all after all. But the little shadow in my heart has always played an important role in reminding me all the time that I should always think further.

Good luck. May you meet the man in your life who will brighten up your life and you =) May you and he be blessed =)