Actually my fingers sore a lot as sweat of nervousness slipped through the pores on my skin, keeping my fingers damp at all times and they were holding onto the steering wheel so hard that I couldn't believe that my arms sore now!
3 hours of my first experience on the road past extremely fast. Unexpectedly. I was of course very joyful because to be able to drive on the road has always been my task-to-be-done a.s.a.p. . Feeling the coordination between my left hand, right hand, left foot and right foot, it luckily happened that it seemed running automatically. Like everything was beyond my control. But yet when I tried to stepped on the accelerator harder, the little Kancil groans. And my left foot quickly stepped on the clutch to change gear. Only then I realize I was REALLY on the road. With other drivers. DRIVING.
Things happened the way I expected and were so far so good.
I'd be very glad when I collect my P License, which will be very soon :)