What is the difference between the midpoint of inguinal ligament and the mid-inguinal point?
Hah hah!!
First of all, we have to know that the inguinal ligament stretches from the ANTERIOR SUPERIOR ILIAC SPINE(ASIS) to the PUBIC TUBERCLE. The PUBIC SYMPHYSIS lies just medial to the PUBIC TUBERCLE and is the fibrous joint between the 2 halves of the pelvis.
Well, now that we have a rough idea of the position of the ASIS, PUBIC TUBERCLE and PUBIC SYMPHYSIS...
The midpoint of inguinal ligmaent is halfway between the ASIS and the pubic tubercle, which is the position of femoral nerve. It is used in femoral nerve blocks.
Whereas the mid-inguinal point is halfway between ASIS and the pubic symphysis, which is the position of the femoral artery. It is used in palpation of femoral pulse.