Hi there, i'm here again. You wish you wouldn't have to see me hanging atound here?Not really, i actually do like to see you writing. Because you are doing reflective writing most of the time.
Gahh. I have been looking for a word to describe my feelings now. But no, i haven't found any, and i don't think i would find one. Because what i'm always feeling is just too complicated to be written in words. So, the nearest word to express is, "gahh",with a double-h.
Dear yimin, exam is soon.and you know that very well. And i don't need a blog to reassure myself about that. Now you have so many things to do, piles of lecture notes, like 196 or more lectures that i've had in the past few months? Yes you are right. I don't care if you end up psycotic or not, or probably you are already a schizo, you still have to face the fact that you gotta complete them ALL. I'm 20 this year, and the number of exams that i have had since i knew how to write is uncountable so i do not expect myself to describe what i sould be doing already now.
Yimin you're a big girl now.
Remember what Steve Jobs said? STAY HUNGRY,STAY FOOLISH. Although at some point you are a fool, i mean, seriously a fool, but you still gotta learn to apply this concept and practice this in your comng "exciting"life. Because that's the only way you can trabsform yourself into a not-a-fool.
Ok, craps ahead, i'm not gonna waste time tapping on my ipad. Now SHUT UP, or, SHUT THE F**K UP if you like,and DO WORK. DO THE F**KING work. Okay. See you soon, PSYCHO.