I've been living more like a human these last 3 days. Learnt quite lots of new things. And I'm going to keep myself occupied with meaningful tasks.
Tomorrow : ( Exactly it's 10 minutes later)
Start scouring The Help by Kathryn Stockett. Thought it would be a fantastic novel with background of the 60s in the America. Would be informative.
Practice driving more practically. Have got my driving license yesterday. I look gorgeous in the pic on the license.
Work out on the itinerary. Taipei trip. Would be much fun. And I'm going to make it the best vacation ever. Best wishes~
Practice the violin. Although my poor 1st and 2nd fingers aren't completely recovered from allergy, I have to get my fingers on the strings. Miss the melodious sound of my babe.
Do homework from the dressmaking teacher. =) Mdm. Fong. She's a nice teacher. Kind, friendly, knowledgeable, reasonable......so far so good.
Yes! Next accomplishments. I'm going to gorgeously work 'em out.